divendres, 4 de juny del 2010

What is...

Hacker: Ar a nastly sort. They try to steal the information that packets carry like credit card nubers and passwords.

Virus: Atack computers and servers. They cause problrms like sending emails that you haven't written and destroyng information stored inside computers.

Router: Move information along the internet by finding the shortest and fastest path to the destination computers.

What can happen when packets of information are sent by internet? They can be a lot of packets, so is slow. Also they can be virus or interferences, hackers.

dimarts, 1 de juny del 2010

We changed the text color, the blog title color and the post title color

dimarts, 25 de maig del 2010


Don't: Gives your e-mail adress/ Talk whith people you don't know

Neutrale: Gives inages of your friends/open e-mails of people you don't know

Do: Talk about things not very important/gives image of famous people

dimarts, 11 de maig del 2010

dimarts, 27 d’abril del 2010


These problem of India is that some girls can't go to the school because they have to work because they haven't money.
And the girl that the woman talk in the game, has to care hes father because is ill, so the girl don't have time to go to the school.